To our extremely loyal customers,

First, please allow Skylar and I to thank you for being so incredible to us since 2016 when we opened Expedition Escape in Montgomeryville. To say that owning and running Expedition has been rewarding would be an understatement. We’ve built fun experiences and lasting relationships that will never be forgotten.

We have been operating two locations for quite some time now and it has become a lot for just the two of us. We have such big aspirations for our Montgomeryville location and have had difficulty bringing our ideas to life with so many competing priorities plus the pandemic. With that, we’re excited to announce that Expedition Escape Montgomeryville is becoming Amazing Escape Room Montgomeryville as of today, November 7th 2022!

Amazing Escape Room adds this location to their lineup of seven others between New Jersey and Pennsylvania. They have been in the escape room business even longer than we have and we are thankful that they will be continuing operations in Montgomeryville. Amazing Escape Room intends to keep things exactly as you’ve come to know and love while expanding the current offering of games. While we should not speak for them, they’ve expressed to us a goal to finish our Lost in Space game and update others. There also may be a totally new game in the not-so-distant future for you all to enjoy. Our transfer of ownership to Amazing Escape Room brings us comfort knowing that our customers will be well taken care of and the plans we’ve had for years can finally be fulfilled. Please note that there will be absolutely no pause in operations. We are typically closed on Monday’s and Tuesday’s so if you have a reservation for Wednesday or after you can expect to attend and have an awesome experience with the team at Amazing Escape Room.

We hope that you will come and visit us in our King of Prussia location as well as expand your escape room horizons by visiting Amazing Escape Room’s other locations! Thank you again for allowing us to pursue our dreams of making our living in the industry we love so very much.

Marisa & Skylar
Owners of Expedition Escape


Expedition Escape Room Owners